Olde Masters Galleria



Contact Artist


Inquire here about the purchase of original art or print. The gallery will respond with more information.

Diane Lindon Coy

God has given Diane this gift and being a Christian, she always gives Him all the glory for allowing her the opportunity of sharing it with you. More often than not, the purposes of her photographs are the result of seeing beyond what is drawing her to grab her camera. It is like an extra sense and when they’re loaded to the computer, their purposes are revealed and thus the process begins. This revelation happily walks hand in hand with her desire to learn more digital creative techniques, explore and experiment with the end result enhancing what originally captured her eye. She continues to grow, both in interests and skills and is now offering painterlies (photographs that appear as if painted), abstract and even digital artwork, all created through manipulating her photographs utilizing a number of artistic software programs.

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